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I am Moroccan T-shirt, an expression of national pride

Designed by Markpro
MAD 122.50



Livraison par toute au Maroc

2-7 jours


This shirt indicates Moroccan national pride. It is a great way to express your love for your country and culture. It can be worn for any occasion, whether formal or informal. The “I am Moroccan” T-shirt is a green T-shirt decorated with a lion’s head on the chest. The lion's head features a traditional Moroccan crown, a symbol of strength and authority. At the bottom of the shirt there is the phrase “I am Moroccan” written in Arabic script. This shirt indicates Moroccan national pride. It is a great way to express your love for your country and culture. It can be worn for any occasion, whether formal or informal. Below is a more detailed description of the elements that make up the “I am Moroccan” T-Shirt: Color: Green is the color of the Moroccan flag, and it is a color associated with hope and prosperity. Lion Head: The lion is a symbol of strength and authority in Moroccan culture. Crown: The crown is a symbol of sovereignty and rule. Overall, the “I am Moroccan” T-shirt is a stylish and distinctive piece of clothing that expresses Moroccan national pride.


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